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Port Chester Schools Receive National Recognition as a Leader in Music Education

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Port Chester-Rye Union Free School District has been honored with the prestigious 2024 Best Communities for Music Education Award by the NAMM Foundation. The district is one of 975 school districts nationally to be recognized.

According to NAMM, the schools and communities recognized with the award demonstrate a commitment to ensuring music learning opportunities are available for every student and provide an example for other communities to follow.

“We are honored and beyond excited about being selected to receive the NAMM 2024 Best Communities for Music Education Award,” Supervisor of Fine and Performing Arts Dr. Katherine Sinsabaugh said. “This award highlights all the amazing work our music teachers do in our schools with our students. It acknowledges how our teachers spread the love of music in our community, and it’s also reflective of our whole community’s support of our fine and performing arts programing.”

Now in its 25th year, the designation is awarded to school districts that demonstrate outstanding achievement in providing music access and education to all students. According to the organization, the award program recognizes the collective efforts by teachers, administrators, parents, students, and community leaders who have been instrumental in making music part of a well-rounded education for every child.

Designations are made to districts and schools that demonstrate an exceptionally high commitment and access to music education. To qualify for the designation, the district submitted an application that included information about funding, graduation requirements, music class participation, instruction time, facilities, and support for the music program and community music-making programs. The program applauded the district for its unwavering commitment to creating an environment where each child can participate in quality, robust music making.

Date Added: 4/5/2024

Park Avenue School Students ‘Spring Into Reading’ With Community

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Park Avenue Elementary School welcomed school leaders and community members into their school for the annual “Spring Into Reading” event on March 22.

“The purpose of the ‘Spring Into Reading’ event was two-fold – to have our students understand that reading is a lifelong pleasure and pursuit, and to introduce them to members of the Port Chester community and role models, such as our police officers, firefighters, school leadership and members of the Board of Education and village trustees,” Principal Rosa Taylor said.

Among the readers were Superintendent of Schools Dr. Aurelia Henriquez, Deputy Superintendent of Schools Dr. Colleen Carroll, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Tina Wilson, Director of Special Education Tatiana Memoli, Director of ELL and Bilingual Programs Valerie Lakestream, Supervisor of Fine and Performing Arts Dr. Katherine Sinsabaugh, Park Avenue Elementary School Assistant Principal Elsy Gonzalez, King Street School Assistant Principal Anthony Carolini, Thomas Edison Elementary School Assistant Principal Erica Fuller, John F. Kennedy Elementary School Principal Judy Diaz and John F. Kennedy Elementary School assistant principals Jenn Mundo and Colleen Moore, Port Chester High School Principal Luke Sotherden, Port Chester Middle School Co-Principal Bryant Romano and Assistant Principal Kristin Pascuzzi, Board of Education Vice President Sharon Burke, Board of Education trustee Chrissie Onofrio and former Port Chester Schools Assistant Superintendent Joe Durney.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 4/2/2024

Kindergartners Create Still-Life Paintings

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Park Avenue Elementary School kindergartners, who studied the works of artist Paul Cezane, created their own paintings of apples in still life. Under the guidance of their art teacher Heather Temple, the students used tempura paint and applied the elements they had been learning about throughout the school year, including creating patterns, designs and use of line.

“In the beginning of the school year, their artwork is not as formed and not fully completed,” Temple said. “It’s nice to see the progression of growth to get to an almost fully rendered image. I mostly hope the students can name the elements they used to create their work, along with the name of the artist and the materials they use.”

Date Added: 3/21/2024

Park Avenue First Graders Celebrate Cultures

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In the spirit of Read Across America, the first grade teachers at Park Avenue School created an engaging theme week to celebrate different genres of literature. Among these captivating themes was the celebration of multiculturalism. Throughout the week, both students and educators dressed in vibrant attire, emblematic of different cultures from around the globe. The students participated in hands-on projects, from creating art pieces to reading stories, and learned about different cultures while showcasing their own heritage.

Date Added: 3/18/2024

Students Draw Giraffes as Part of Ecology Study

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Park Avenue Elementary School kindergarten and first grade students in teacher Vanessa Mojica’s class drew upon their knowledge of animal adaptations to create sketches of giraffes, emphasizing their long necks.

Mojica said the students have been learning about different animals, including giraffes, who live in the hot and dry savanna, and investigating how they’ve adapted to their environment to survive within their ecosystem. Taking on the roles of ecologists, the students considered how the animals get food or what helps the animals get their food.

“The students learned that giraffes use their long necks to help them reach leaves in the tall acacia trees,” Mojica said. “They also learned about many animals throughout our lessons, and a key takeaway was to understand how it would look to draw a giraffe, being the tallest animal in the world.”

Date Added: 3/14/2024