Multilingual Learner Programs

Valerie Lakestream
Director of ELL and Bilingual Programs
Multilingual Learner Programs include Dual Language, Bilingual Education, World Language and English as a New Language (ENL) Programs. Bilingualism is a lifelong pursuit, and that journey begins here in our schools. Port Chester stands out as one of the largest multilingual communities in the region and as a leader in the world of Bilingual Education. We support our mission of Success for All Students by sparking a passion for learning another language and providing access to Multilingual Learner Programs to students UPK-12. Students have the opportunity to engage in grade-level content in another language, graduate with the Seal of Biliteracy, and become true global citizens who are bilingual, biliterate and bicultural.
Bilingual Education
One-Way Dual Language
JFK Elementary School and Thomas A. Edison Elementary School* offer a one-way dual language program grades K-5. As per NSYED, “In the one-way Dual Language program model, students who come from the same primary or home language and or background have the opportunity to be bilingual or multilingual. The teacher or teachers provide instruction in both English and the primary or home language simultaneously.” Spanish-speaking students work to become bilingual in English and Spanish. Students receive half of their instruction in English and half of their instruction in Spanish. The goal of these programs is for students to develop literacy and proficiency in English and in Spanish.
The UPK also has a one-way dual language program.
*Edison has a one-way dual language program in kindergarten and grade 1. This program is transitioning from a two-way program to a one-way program. This transition began with Kindergarten in Fall 2023. Changes were made based on enrollment trends.
Two-Way Dual Language
Park Avenue School, Thomas A. Edison School* and King Street School offer two-way dual language programs grades K-5. As per NYSED, ”The two-way Dual Language program includes both native English speakers and ELLs.” The teacher or teachers provide instruction in both English and Spanish. Students receive half of their instruction in English and half of their instruction in Spanish. The goal of these programs is for students to develop literacy and proficiency in English and in Spanish.
*Edison has a two-way dual language program in grades 2-5. This program is transitioning from a two-way program to a one-way program. This transition began with Kindergarten in Fall 2023. Changes were made based on enrollment trends.
Additional Dual Language Vocabulary
Both our one-way and two-way dual language programs include side-by-side and self-contained classes.
Students transition between two classrooms, an English zone and a Spanish zone. Instruction is delivered by two teachers, one who delivers instruction in English and another who delivers instruction in Spanish.
Students receive instruction in English and Spanish in one room from one instructor who is qualified to deliver instruction in both languages.
Middle School Multilingual Learner Program
Students in grades 6 through 8 who are ELLs that speak Spanish as a home language and students who have been enrolled in the Dual Language Program in one of the Port Chester elementary schools have the opportunity to receive instruction in Spanish in two core content areas classes and Spanish Language Arts. The Spanish core content instruction rotates over the three years that the students are enrolled at PCMS, culminating in two years of instruction in Spanish in science, social studies, and math. The goal of this program is for students to develop and strengthen literacy and proficiency in English and in Spanish.
Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE)
Students in grades 9-12 who speak Spanish as a home language have the opportunity to learn to speak, understand, read, and write in English while continuing to learn academic content in their home language. Spanish is used to help students progress academically in all content areas while they acquire English. The goal of this program is to provide students with the opportunity to transition to a monolingual English classroom setting without additional support once they reach proficiency.
English as a New Language (ENL)
Instruction in this program, formerly known as English as a Second Language (ESL), emphasizes English language acquisition. In an ENL program, language arts and content-area instruction are taught in English using specific ENL instructional strategies. Integrated ENL classes are taught by a teacher dually certified in the content area and ENL, or are co-taught by a certified content area teacher and a certified ENL teacher. In a Stand Alone ENL class, students receive English language development instruction taught by a NYS-certified teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) in order to acquire the English language needed for success in core content areas. This program typically serves, but is not limited to, ELL students from many different home/primary language backgrounds whose only common language is English and therefore cannot participate in a bilingual program.
World Language
World Language classes are offered in Spanish, Italian and French at Port Chester Middle School and Port Chester High School. Offerings range from entry-level to IB and AP classes. World Language classes of all levels are taught 90% or more in the target language as per ACTFL guidelines.
FLES (Foreign Language Early Start) After School Program
Elementary students receive early exposure to French, Italian and/or Spanish in this afterschool enrichment program offered at each of our elementary schools. The program is open to all and is intended for first-time learners who are new to the language. Taught by our PCMS and PCHS World Language teachers, students engage in a new language and culture, while working with their future teachers.
Port Chester Middle School
Students entering the 6th grade have the opportunity to study another language. Spanish, Italian and French meet every other day in 6th grade. Spanish Language Arts meets every day.
Students continue to study the language throughout 7th and 8th grade. Classes meet every day. Students take the Avant exam at the end of 8th grade in order to earn one (1) Checkpoint A credit in World Language.* Students are encouraged to continue their studies at Port Chester High School and pursue a Seal a Biliteracy upon graduation of 12th grade.
*Middle school students must pass both the course and the Avant exam in order to be granted one (1) Checkpoint A credit in World Language at the end of 8th grade.
Port Chester High School
Please see the PCHS Program of Studies for more information regarding high school World Language courses.
Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB)
Port Chester is proud to offer the New York State Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB). High School Seniors pursue this prestigious endeavor by earning points in both English and any other World Language during their time at Port Chester High School. This includes languages taught at Port Chester High School and languages spoken at home.
Click here to see the criteria to earn the New York State Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB).
Click here to see the official website of the New York State Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB).
Click below to view our Parent University presentations on the Seal of Biliteracy at Port Chester High School.
English Presentation
Spanish Presentation
Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute (PR/HYLI)
This 30-hour leadership program is available to 11th and 12th grade Hispanic students in New York State. It is a unique and exciting opportunity for students who are passionate about leadership, community, advocacy, and making a difference. If selected, you will have the chance to attend specialized training sessions right here in the Hudson Valley Region. During these sessions, you'll be equipped with valuable knowledge about leadership strategies, effective advocacy, and the legislative process in our state. The journey culminates in an exciting weekend Institute in March, where you'll join hundreds of fellow students from all over New York State in a celebration of leadership, advocacy, and unity.
Click here to visit the official website of the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute (PR/HYLI).
Multilingual Learner Committee Meetings
See below for information from the 2024-2025 Multilingual Learner Committee Meetings.
See below for information from the 2023-2024 Multilingual Learner Committee Meetings.
See below for information from the 2022-2023 Dual Language Committee Meetings.
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs about the New York State Seal of Biliteracy at PCHS