Curriculum & Instruction

Dr. Tina Wilson
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
Dear Parents and Guardians,
At Port Chester, we believe curriculum is about far more than mandates and standards. It's about our children and the meaningful work they do in pursuit of real learning. It's the tools we employ and the innovations we embrace. It's effective instruction that gives teachers the means to bring out the best in their students.
This portion of our district website is dedicated to sharing with you in words, pictures, video and even social media all the ways that we bring curriculum development to life in classrooms across Port Chester. We thank you for visiting.
Dr. Tina Wilson
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
Port Chester Public Schools
Curriculum Updates
Mathematics September 2023-24:
Starting in spring 2023, we began reviewing district K-8 math curricula and resources in response to post-COVID needs as well as continued alignment to the NYS Next Gen standards. The following steps are being taken:
K-5: We are reviewing available research-based math curricula for possible options that would be a good fit for our students. Research and discussions will continue this school year and include student, teacher, and parent feedback collection. We are actively pursuing a curriculum that places student thinking and collaboration at the center of learning and is tightly aligned to 6-8 math instruction for a seamless transition from elementary to middle school mathematics instruction.
6-8: PCMS Math Department met several times in 2022-23 to discuss student engagement, instructional approaches, and research progressive math curriculum options. Research included discussions with neighboring district math teachers and administrators, Ed Reports research, company representative presentations and discussion, and teacher and student feedback. MS teachers are looking for a curriculum that sparks student curiosity and generates student interest and engagement through mathematics coupled with technology.
To determine what curriculum would be a good fit for our 6-8 math courses, several teachers across grade levels and programs at PCMS are receiving professional development and will be incorporating new materials and resources into their teaching this fall as a pilot. Teachers and students will provide feedback midyear to determine the next steps in math instruction.
This fall, the district will survey and host focus groups of teachers and parents (Parent University) to collect feedback on needs and interests in K-8 mathematics. Teachers in grades 5-6 will have opportunities to discuss and plan for an elementary to middle-school transition and alignment plan.